What Are Vitamins? Sources of Vitamins ,Benefits of Vitamins

What Are Vitamins? 

Vitamins are the micronutrients required for the proper growth and  maintenance of our body and organs. They help with the metabolism  of proteins, fats and carbohydrates required for the body

development. Vitamins are not developed/synthesized inside the human  body. Hence, our food should have appropriate amounts of vitamins that meet the required levels. 

what are vitamins

Sources of Vitamins? 

The Following table contains the sources of all the important 

Vitamins -:

Vitamin Name  Source
Vitamin A  


Dark green and yellow  

coloured vegetables and fruits,  cod liver oil, Milk, Butter and  other dairy products

Vitamin B1  


Bread yeast, Sprouts, etc.
Vitamin B2  


mushrooms, soybean, nuts,  green leafy vegetables,  


Vitamin B3  


cereals, seeds, meat, fish – tuna, etc.
Vitamin B4  


Vegetables, whole grains,  unadulterated honey
Vitamin B5  

(Pantothenic  Acid)

Broccoli, sweet potatoes,  beans, eggs, etc.
Vitamin B6  


Pistachio nuts, Sesame seeds,  Chicken, etc.
Vitamin B12  


Fish, Meat, Raw milk, Organic  Yogurt

Vitamin Name  Source
Vitamin C  

(Ascorbic Acid)

Fruits – Papaya, Pineapple,  Kiwi Fruit, Mango, Tomatoes,  etc.
Vitamin D  


Sun Light, Eggs, Meat, Fish,  Mushrooms, etc
Vitamin E  


Almonds, Hazelnuts, Spinach,  Tomatoes, etc
Vitamin K  


Green Leafy vegetables,  

Broccoli, Cabbage, etc.


Benefits of Vitamins 

The Following table contains the list all the body parts and functions which are benefited by the intake of each of the important Vitamins :

Vitamin Name  Body Part/Functions
Vitamin A  


Eyes, Bones and Teeth  

development, maintaining  healthy skin, hair and nails

Vitamin B1  


Nervous system, Brain  

functions, etc

Vitamin B2  


Overall growth and good health  of the body, for Pregnant  women
Vitamin B3  


efficient functioning of Liver,  maintaining cholesterol levels  in the body
Vitamin B4  


Metabolism, Maintaining blood  sugar levels, antibodies  


Vitamin B5  



Making Red blood cells,  

maintaining good health of  hair, eyes and skin, etc.

Vitamin Name  Body Part/Functions
Vitamin B6  


Maintaining healthy  

metabolism, skin health, the  functioning of the nervous  system, etc

Vitamin B12  


Healthy Pregnancy, Digestion,  maintaining energy levels, etc
Vitamin C  

(Ascorbic Acid)

Gives Glowing Skin, Prevent  Anaemia, Boosting Immunity,  etc.
Vitamin D  


Maintaining body Weight,  prevents the formation of  cancer cells, strong brain  health, etc
Vitamin E  


Maintaining Cholesterol levels  in the body, healthy hair,  Maintaining a balance of  

hormones, etc.

Vitamin K  


Normal Blood Clotting, Healthy  Bones, etc.


Vitamins – Sources, Benefits and Deficiency

The Following table contains the list the diseases cause by the 

deficiency of each of the important Vitamins -:

Vitamin Name  Disease Names
Vitamin A (Retinol)  Night Blindness, Dry Skin,  weak teeth and bones, etc
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Weak memory,  

Disturbances in sleep,  feeling irritated, etc

Vitamin B2  


Sore throat, Amnesia,  Inflammation of skin
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Fatigue, Indigestion,  

Depression, Vomiting,  Pellagra etc.

Vitamin B4 (Choline)  Blood disorder, nausea,  skin disorders
Vitamin B5  

(Pantothenic Acid)

Gastrointestinal problems,  fatigue, headache, etc.
Vitamin B6  


Mood Swings, Confusion,  Muscle pains, etc.
Vitamin B12  


Joint pains, poor Dental  health, Chronic Fatigue, etc
Vitamin C (Ascorbic  Acid) Poor healing of wounds,  Bleeding gums, Dry and  scaly skin, Scurvy, etc.
Vitamin D  


Anxiety, Depression, Weak  Immune System, Rickets
Vitamin E  


Visual Disturbances,  

General Unwellness

Vitamin K  


Haemorrhage, defective  blood clotting, increased  bleeding.





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